New England Tabletop Games

Premium armies, props, and terrains for your custom gaming experience.

You’re a dedicated tabletop RPG player or wargamer but…

  • You ran out of time to paint your models, and had to show up to your most recent game with another boring, gray army

  • Had to drop out of the most recent tournament because your army didn’t meet standards

  • Your RPG players are struggling to visualize in game characters, settings, and elements

  • You tell yourself you’re going to find time to finish that army, terrain, or prop but life always gets in the way

We’re New England Tabletop Games

We are dedidcated to helping lovers of tabletop role playing games and war games have a premium, immersive experience through custom created props, models, armies, and terrain. Whatever you can imagine for your next tournament or campaign - from simple letters all the way to custom models - we can create for you. Contact us today for a free quote and we’ll get started bringing your vision to life.

Tser Falls, Curse of Strahd, Custom Terrain for Dungeons and Dragons by New England Tabletop Games

Meet the Founder

Ryan Hammond founded New England Tabletop Games because of a passion for the friendship and community built during immersive gaming experiences.

Our Products

Tabletop RPG Models and Props

Custom Wargaming Army Painting

Custom Terrain